Young Consumers: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

Children’s reactions to tragedy

Dana Markow

Reports research into American children’s attitudes towards the Asian tsunami of 26 December 2004, based on a poll of 1,251 eight to 18‐year‐olds. Divides this age range into…


What are brands for?

Axel Dammler, Ingo Barlovic, Christian Clausnitzer

Examines why children choose certain brands over others. Relates this to the fact that desirable brands appeal to our needs, so that successful brands address children’s needs…


Collections of cool

Graham Saxton

Introduces MTV Networks Europe, where the author is Senior Vice‐President of Research and Planning, as Europe’s largest 24‐hour television network and an organisation which is…


Youth trends in China

Gloria Jun Zhang

Shows how child‐centred marketing in China has gradually developed, using an example the traditional hero figure Wukong, who now appears and behaves in a far more child‐friendly…

Children’s trends in Europe

Barbie Clarke

Surveys the children’s market in Europe, finding that there is a general similarity in child behaviour between countries. Focuses on children’s use of technology, finding that…


Grow up: it’s time to play

Sean Pillot de Chenecey

Examines what thinkers have said about the nature of play, in particular its value to adults, and its relation to happiness and goals. Shows how play is natural to the digital…


Children as innovators and opinion leaders

Flemming Hansen, Morten Hallum Hansen

Examines the characteristics of young innovators (i.e. those in a group who accept the innovation first, for instance a hula hoop, a mobile phone or a video game) and opinion…


Kids research meets reality TV

Anuska Wolfman

Considers how qualitative youth research findings are best conveyed to clients, in this age of “Big Brother” and the like. Points out that, because children are so familiar with…


Influences on consumer socialisation

Sabrina Neeley

Describes research on the processes and outcomes of consumer socialisation; it investigates the importance of the family as the main socialisation agent for young children. Shows…


Advertising to children in Spain

Gerhard W. Volz, Felipe Bances Handschuh, Dora Poshtakova

Describes the new legal and regulatory norms in Spain which aim to protect children from the constant advertising and marketing messages that they are exposed to; these are in…

Cover of Young Consumers



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  • Hiram Ting