Journal of Financial Economic Policy: Volume 13 Issue 6


Table of contents

The relationship between financial development and effectiveness of monetary policy: new evidence from ASEAN-3 countries

Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Danie Eirieswanty Kamal Basa, Bakri Abdul Karim

This paper aims to investigate the relationship between financial development (FD) and monetary policy effectiveness (MPE) on output and inflation in ASEAN-3 countries (Singapore…

Lower reversal limit of the European Central Bank deposit rate and sustainability of traditional banking business model

Mariya Gubareva

The purpose of this paper is to present an empirical analysis of the European Central Bank (ECB) deposit rate dynamics during 2014–2020, attempting to answer how deep could be cut…

Tax evasion; public and political corruption and international trade: a global perspective

Ophias Kurauone, Yusheng Kong, Huaping Sun, Takuriramunashe Famba, Simbarashe Muzamhindo

This study aims to examine the significance of public/political corruption; trade tax revenue (import and export) on tax evasion in a group of 140 countries for the period…


Financing costs and barriers to entry in Australia’s electricity market

Alan Rai, Tim Nelson

This paper aims to provide investors’ views on financing costs and barriers to entry into the electricity generation sector, with a focus on investors’ views on potential impacts…

The transition to a multi-pillar pension system: the inherent socio-economic anomaly

Ishay Wolf, Jose Maria Caridad y Ocerin

This paper aims to analytically show that in an over-lapping-generation (OLG) model, low earning cohorts bear unwanted risk and absorb higher economic cost than high earning…

Bank stockholders’ vs bank bondholders’ market discipline during crisis time: an investigation based on supervisory stress test information disclosure

Moustapha Daouda Dala

This paper aims to investigate how stockholders and bondholders react to the information disclosed on the financial markets during crisis periods. This paper considers the 2011…

Preferences for deferred annuities in the Japanese retirement market

Tomoki Kitamura, Kunio Nakashima

Deferred annuities, which offer longevity insurance with relatively low premiums, are a potential payout option in defined contribution (DC) pension plans in Japan. This study…

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  • Prof Franklin Mixon