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Case study
Publication date: 26 July 2023

Jacqueline Pereira Mundkur

After working through the case and the assignment questions, students will be able to understand the current practices and importance of influencer marketing strategies within…


Learning outcomes

After working through the case and the assignment questions, students will be able to understand the current practices and importance of influencer marketing strategies within overall marketing strategies; appreciate both the debate and dissonance that surround influencer performance measures; outline the key elements of’s investments and efforts that brought them success; understand the strategic intent and justify the logic of operationalisation of by creating two different SBUs after they launched a vastly improved tech platform; and evaluate potential strategies that could use to move ahead and cement its supremacy in the influencer marketing space.

Case overview / synopsis

Interest in influencer marketing which found many takers during the pandemic was expected to intensify and form the core of many brand strategies. Coupled with this heightened interest and increased budget overlay, demands from brands and agencies alike for clearer ROI linkages and KPIs that have better correlation with business goals, have gained momentum. Qoruz, an early entrant in the influencer marketing space in India, attributed their success to their focus on product innovation and service quality. From a predominantly narrow service offering providing analytics that facilitated decision-making for influencer marketing campaigns, their recently launched multi-feature platform enabled them to expand their services and consolidate their position. However, today, in an increasing volatile market, drawn by the high growth trajectory of the influencer marketing space, many players had jumped in and tried to introduce technology-based platforms with almost similar features while aggressively playing the price card. With the monetary and economic conditions under pressure and constantly changing demands of clients, found itself faced with a dilemma to protect their first mover advantage. The co-founders of Qoruz realised that to give confidence to their loyal client base, and really cement their leadership, they would need to urgently take stock and relook at their strategy afresh relying on their deep experience of the industry, loyalty of their customers and their tech-centric DNA to build a holistic and ambitious strategy.

Complexity academic level

This case is designed for use by graduate and under-graduate level students in marketing management and strategic management courses.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 11: Strategy.

Case study
Publication date: 26 February 2024

Lingfang Li, Yangbo Chen and Yi Liu

“Originally as a business providing community life services since its founding in 2017, Dingdong (Cayman) has transformed itself into a fresh e-commerce company. After making…


“Originally as a business providing community life services since its founding in 2017, Dingdong (Cayman) has transformed itself into a fresh e-commerce company. After making adjustments to its business model and operating strategy for three times, Dingdong (Cayman) has completed the strategic transition from grocery surrogate shopping to comprehensive self-operation, and built its own commercial fortress. In 2019, the total revenue of the company was five billion yuan. Upon the outbreak of COVID-19, its monthly revenue exceeded 1.2 billion yuan in February 2020, and the year's total revenue was expected to hit 15∼18 billion yuan. To date, Dingdong (Cayman) has formed a supply chain fully based on digital operation and built a commercial fortress in the fresh e-commerce industry. Despite this, its future prospect is not free from challenge. This case mainly deals with the following questions: How about the strategic positioning and core competitiveness of Dingdong (Cayman) in its early days? In the process of rapid expansion, what are the advantages and problems in its business model? How can the digitally operated supply chain support its continuous expansion in the future?”


FUDAN, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2632-7635

Case study
Publication date: 18 November 2013

Barthélémy Michalon

Diplomatic and consular policies; legal aspects of international relations and Asia regional scenario.


Subject area

Diplomatic and consular policies; legal aspects of international relations and Asia regional scenario.

Study level/applicability


Case overview

In April 2012, high-level officials from China and the USA were about to meet in Beijing in the framework of the bilateral Strategic and Economic Dialogue, organized on a yearly basis. The event was always delicate, due to the ambiguous relationship existing between the two countries, which were at the same time rivals and dependent on one another. That time, the tension previous to the meeting increased significantly: a Chinese human rights activist had just sought and obtained diplomatic protection in the US Embassy in Beijing, thus creating an embarrassing situation for both States' foreign departments […] How could they possibly solve this contentious issue without affecting their already sensitive relationship?

Expected learning outcomes

Analytical: to be aware of the political nature of the current Chinese Government; to realize the concrete and practical implications of an Embassy's special status; to balance two contradictory objectives, in a specific situation where none of them can be fully discarded; to contrast and try to combine long-term goals (in this case, to maintain a functioning relationship between two main world powers) with short-term objectives (in this case, how to deal with a Chinese activist that required protection against his own country's security forces); to find a modus vivendi (conciliation) between values and interests; to get convinced that certain kinds of negotiations cannot be conceived through a “win or lose” approach: in this case, the only way out must be respectful of the two parties' core interests; and to take into account that image preservation (“face-saving”) must be included within any country's objectives in any situation involving diplomatic means. Conceptual: the purpose is to familiarize the students with specific concepts, such as: best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), which is to be mentioned as part of the discussion (it is not included in the case study itself); interdependence; (purported) Group of Two; asylum and refuge; Immunity; and sending state/receiving state.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 3 no. 5
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 26 February 2024

Jinyun Sun and Feiting Wu

This case is mainly about the development journey of Tujia, a unicorn in China's accommodations-sharing sector, as well as the development status of the sector. On December 1…


This case is mainly about the development journey of Tujia, a unicorn in China's accommodations-sharing sector, as well as the development status of the sector. On December 1, 2011,—China's first medium- and high-end vacation apartment booking platform—was formally launched, and it announced the first round of capital injection in less than half a year after its launch. It completed D and D+ round of financing on August 3, 2015, securing $300 million with an estimated value exceeding $1 billion. The completion of this financing round meant that Tujia formally entered the $1 billion club composed of “unicorn” Internet companies. In June 2016, it announced the strategic M&A of Mayi; in October 2016, it announced its strategic agreement with and for the M&A of their apartment and homestay businesses. The completion of these transactions manifested the matrix with the four major platforms Tujia, Mayi, Ctrip, and Qunar. Since then, Tujia has become the absolute pacesetter in China's online accommodations-sharing sector.


FUDAN, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2632-7635

Case study
Publication date: 30 January 2024

Zhong Ning, Yangbo Chen and Yalin Luo

Anhui Winall Hi-Tech Seed Co., Ltd., a high-tech seed enterprise integrating crop seed research, production, processing and marketing at home and abroad, is the first seed company…


Anhui Winall Hi-Tech Seed Co., Ltd., a high-tech seed enterprise integrating crop seed research, production, processing and marketing at home and abroad, is the first seed company listed on GEM in China. Its main business is research and development, breeding and marketing of seeds of hybrid rice, edible rape, cotton, melon and vegetable, with hybrid rice as its leading product. In terms of business model, Winall Hi-tech is engaged in procurement, production, sales and promotion of modified varieties and after-sales service. However, Winall Hi-tech also has to face a few potential problems.


FUDAN, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2632-7635

Case study
Publication date: 26 November 2014

Rua-Huan Tsaih, James Quo-Ping Lin and Yu-Chien Chang

Service innovation, ICT-enabled services, museum, cultural and creative industries.


Subject area

Service innovation, ICT-enabled services, museum, cultural and creative industries.

Study level/applicability

Graduate-level courses of “Innovation Management,” “Service Innovation,” or “Cultural and Creative Industries”.

Case overview

In 2006, the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei, Taiwan, announced its new vision “Reviving the Charm of an Ancient Collection and Creating New values for Generations to Come”. In recent years, the NPM has been shifting its operational focus from being object-oriented to being public-centered, and the museum has held not only the physical forms of artifacts and documents but also their digital images and metadata. These changes would inject new life into historical artifacts. In addition, archives as its collections would be given a refreshingly new image to the public and become connected with people's daily lives. Among these endeavors for displaying historical artifacts online and prevailing Chinese culture in the modern age, the key issues are related to digital technology applications and service innovations. The service innovations would be further divided into information and communication technologies (ICT)-enabled ones and non-ICT-enabled ones. These shifts clearly claim that adopting digital technologies and innovative services can bring positive impacts to the museum. The NPM administrative team wants to keep infusing life into ancient artifacts and texts, sustaining curiosities of the public for Chinese culture and history, and invoking their interests to visit the NPM in person. However, to develop for the future while reviewing the past, the NPM administrative team has to meditate on the next steps in terms of implementation of service innovations.

Expected learning outcomes

Students will learn motivations of digital establishment and service innovations from the organization perspective and the necessities of technological implementation. Students will understand the difference in innovations between ICT-enabled services and non-ICT-enabled services. Students would be able to understand the process of developing a new service. Students will be aware of challenges the organization would face in developing a new service.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 4 no. 7
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area


Study level/applicability

This case is suitable for MBA, EMBA and advanced undergraduate students.

Case overview

Noah Wealth Management was founded by Ms Wang Jingbo, a lady in her mid 30s with a team of less than 20 members in 2005. Exploiting market opportunities offered by a lack of good wealth management products and services, Noah grew rapidly from one branch office in 2005 to 59 branch offices in 2011, reaching a staff size of 1,031. Noah listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange in November 2010. In 2011, Noah was ranked No. 38 among the 100 Top Potential Enterprises in China. Nonetheless, Noah faced several problems of internal management during the course of its fast expansion. In the first quarter financial report of 2012, Noah suffered a 52.6 percent decrease in net income over the corresponding period in 2011. Faced with a rapidly declining share price, Noah announced on May 22, 2012 a US $30 million share repurchase program.

Expected learning outcomes

The case supports a basic lesson on the entrepreneurial cycle, including assessing a business opportunity, resource mobilization, identifying a business model, growth of the venture, listing on the stock market, and subsequent growth challenges. Students can learn about some of the typical dilemmas faced by founders of entrepreneurial ventures, including how to maintain the corporate culture while growing fast and how to prevent members of the founding team from becoming bottlenecks to the development of the organization. The case can also provide management students with an overview of China's wealth management industry.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 2 no. 8
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 27 February 2024

Xiangfeng Chen, Chuanjun Liu and Zhaolong Yang

In China, supply chain finance (SCF) has gradually emerged as a new service for the retail industry. This case systematically discusses how JD conducts product design and risk…


In China, supply chain finance (SCF) has gradually emerged as a new service for the retail industry. This case systematically discusses how JD conducts product design and risk control of supply chain finance and related financial services, and analyze the impact of supply chain finance on JD's retail operations. The case also analyzes the relationship between JD supply chain finance and traditional financial institutions, and explore the future development of retail supply chain finance.


FUDAN, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2632-7635

Case study
Publication date: 30 January 2024

Anyu Wang and Nuoya Chen

This case is about “Red”, a cross-border e-commerce platform developed from a community which was built to share overseas shopping experience. With sharp insights into the…


This case is about “Red”, a cross-border e-commerce platform developed from a community which was built to share overseas shopping experience. With sharp insights into the consumption behavior of urban white-collar women and riding on its community e-commerce advantage, “Red”, a cross-border e-commerce startup, pulled in three rounds of financing within just 16 months regardless of increasingly competitive market. On the other hand, well-established platforms such as T-mall International and Joybuy also stepped in, and their involvement will also speed up the industry integration and usher in a reshuffling period. Confronted with the “price war” started by those e-commerce giants, in what ways can “Red” adjust its shopping experience and after-sales services to enhance the brand value and sharpen its edge?


FUDAN, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2632-7635


Subject area


Study level/applicability

The case is suitable for MBA, Executive level courses.

Case overview

Yongye Group is a biotechnological enterprise in Inner Mongolia, China. In China, people lack trust in economic transactions due to the transitional state of the economy, especially regarding food safety. To respond to this situation, Wu Zishen, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Yongye Group, was determined to build trust among employees, distributors, farmers, and consumers towards the company. To this end, he started using a creative incentive system with employees and stakeholders: the pay-before-performance incentive system. According to this system, the reward is delivered in advance, contrary to be paid after the fulfillment of the task. This practice is meant to transform employees' work attitude from a passive “being told to work” to a more proactive “I want to work” mentality. When such an incentive system is practiced with customers and external distributors, it sends a message that the company is “treating customers as company employees”, which means that they are trusted as if they were part of the company itself. Wu Zishen also introduced a coherent series of leadership practices that generate a truly proactive culture in the organization.

Expected learning outcomes

From this case, students will learn how to create a proactive culture in business organizations and the effect of pay-before-performance on employees' work motivation.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes and an exercise for class-based discussion are available.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 2 no. 8
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


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