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A Circular Argument
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80071-385-7

Book part
Publication date: 25 July 2016

Andrea Frank and Terry Marsden

Regionalism implying some form of city-region or metropolitan-level planning and governance has long been promoted for multiple reasons albeit with varied success. Experiencing a…


Regionalism implying some form of city-region or metropolitan-level planning and governance has long been promoted for multiple reasons albeit with varied success. Experiencing a resurgence in 1990s, regional coordination and cooperation has proven effective in pursuing economic development and bolstering competitiveness. Unfortunately, other voices, such as those promoting regional scale land use planning and management to cultivate more sustainable urban form and settlement patterns became comparatively crowded out. With climate change-related environmental and ecological pressures mounting, the chapter suggests it is time to frame regions as socio-ecological rather than mere socio-economic spaces, thereby placing greater emphasis on ecosystems and ecological land management and a circular, regenerative economy. Using the city-region of Stuttgart (Germany) as exemplar, our contribution initiates an exploration into whether statutory regional planning in combination with various informal tools and a multi-level governance framework allows actors to begin to embed and implement these emerging ecological sustainability concepts.


Metropolitan Ruralities
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78560-796-7


Publication date: 1 January 1993

Ellen H. Ehrig

Surveying is one of the world's oldest professions. The Egyptians used a system of ropes and knots to relocate boundaries along the Nile after periodic flooding; they also used…


Surveying is one of the world's oldest professions. The Egyptians used a system of ropes and knots to relocate boundaries along the Nile after periodic flooding; they also used the plumb bob. The Babylonians are credited with dividing the circle into 360 degrees, and as early as 1600 BCE the Chinese were using a form of magnetic compass. In the second century BCE Greeks were using the astrolabe. There are numerous references in the Bible to surveying, such as, “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmark” (Deuteronomy 27:17). Plane tables were used in Europe as early as the sixteenth century. Modern surveying is said to have begun in the late eighteenth century.


Reference Services Review, vol. 21 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0090-7324

Content available
Publication date: 1 March 2004

Frank Land




Information Technology & People, vol. 17 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-3845

Publication date: 1 September 1999

Barbara Farbey, Frank Land and David Targett

This paper considers the problems of evaluating the benefits of an investment in information technology and systems against a background of institutional change. It is based on a…



This paper considers the problems of evaluating the benefits of an investment in information technology and systems against a background of institutional change. It is based on a case study in the National Health Service and follows the progress of a project to introduce benefits realisation in NHS Trusts. The case illustrates the importance of personal, hands‐on attention to benefits management and calls attention to the different contingencies faced by managers in attempting to introduce evaluation or benefits realisation schemes. It concludes that, where managers face “certain” contingencies, formative evaluation will be beneficial, but where the contingencies are uncertain, structural changes in the organisation may be more effective in achieving benefits. The paper ends with a plea for evaluation activities to be re‐integrated into their organisational context.


Information Technology & People, vol. 12 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-3845


Publication date: 1 February 1899

The following report was brought up by Dr. P. Brouardel, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, President of the Commission, and was submitted for the approval of the Congress:


The following report was brought up by Dr. P. Brouardel, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, President of the Commission, and was submitted for the approval of the Congress:


British Food Journal, vol. 1 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 April 1899

The Food and Drugs Bill introduced by the Government affords an excellent illustration of the fact that repressive legislative enactments in regard to adulteration must always be…


The Food and Drugs Bill introduced by the Government affords an excellent illustration of the fact that repressive legislative enactments in regard to adulteration must always be of such a nature that, while they give a certain degree and a certain kind of protection to the public, they can never be expected to supply a sufficiently real and effective insurance against adulteration and against the palming off of inferior goods, nor an adequate and satisfactory protection to the producer and vendor of superior articles. In this country, at any rate, legislation on the adulteration question has always been, and probably will always be of a somewhat weak and patchy character, with the defects inevitably resulting from more or less futile attempts to conciliate a variety of conflicting interests. The Bill as it stands, for instance, fails to deal in any way satisfactorily with the subject of preservatives, and, if passed in its present form, will give the force of law to the standards of Somerset House—standards which must of necessity be low and the general acceptance of which must tend to reduce the quality of foods and drugs to the same dead‐level of extreme inferiority. The ludicrous laissez faire report of the Beer Materials Committee—whose authors see no reason to interfere with the unrestricted sale of the products of the “ free mash tun,” or, more properly speaking, of the free adulteration tun—affords a further instance of what is to be expected at present and for many years to come as the result of governmental travail and official meditations. Public feeling is developing in reference to these matters. There is a growing demand for some system of effective insurance, official or non‐official, based on common‐sense and common honesty ; and it is on account of the plain necessity that the quibbles and futilities attaching to repressive legislation shall by some means be brushed aside that we have come to believe in the power and the value of the system of Control, and that we advocate its general acceptance. The attitude and the policy of the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ADULTERATION, of the BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL, and of the BRITISH ANALYTICAL CONTROL, are in all respects identical with regard to adulteration questions; and in answer to the observations and suggestions which have been put forward since the introduction of the Control System in England, it may be well once more to state that nothing will meet with the approbation or support of the Control which is not pure, genuine, and good in the strictest sense of these terms. Those applicants and critics whom it may concern may with advantage take notice of the fact that under no circumstances will approval be given to such articles as substitute beers, separated milks, coppered vegetables, dyed sugars, foods treated with chemical preservatives, or, in fact, to any food or drug which cannot be regarded as in every respect free from any adulterant, and free from any suspicion of sophistication or inferiority. The supply of such articles as those referred to, which is left more or less unfettered by the cumbrous machinery of the law, as well as the sale of those adulterated goods with which the law can more easily deal, can only be adequately held in check by the application of a strong system of Control to justify approbation, providing, as this does, the only effective form of insurance which up to the present has been devised.


British Food Journal, vol. 1 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 September 1930

The following is a brief outline of what seem to us the main points of the Act:—


The following is a brief outline of what seem to us the main points of the Act:—


British Food Journal, vol. 32 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 September 1930

Major P.L. Teed

NOW that helium is exclusively used in the airships of the United States, whilst its employment in the craft of other Powers has been visualised by Dr. Eckener, it is interesting…


NOW that helium is exclusively used in the airships of the United States, whilst its employment in the craft of other Powers has been visualised by Dr. Eckener, it is interesting to examine the history, properties, occurrence, origin, extraction and practical utility of this most remarkable gas, whose discovery is both a romance and a defence, should it be required, of scientific as opposed to industrial research.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 2 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0002-2667

Publication date: 1 October 2003

Alfred Rütten, Heiko Ziemainz, Karim Abu‐Omar and Nicole Groth

Explores the relationships between the perceived quality of physical education lessons, the perceived quality of opportunities for physical activity in a residential area, and the…



Explores the relationships between the perceived quality of physical education lessons, the perceived quality of opportunities for physical activity in a residential area, and the physical fitness and health of pupils attending Grades 5 and 9 in Germany. The data were collected from 300 pupils in a community in Saxony, using a standardized questionnaire and a standard test of sporting ability. Results indicated that girls evaluated the opportunities for physical activity in the residential area more critically than boys. Multivariate analysis showed that the subjective health status of pupils was associated with good physical fitness and a good perception of opportunities for physical activity in the residential area, but not with the perceived quality of physical education lessons. These results provide evidence that a relationship between the urban environment and physical activity exists, and that the promotion of physical activity for pupils can benefit from intersectoral approaches.


Health Education, vol. 103 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0965-4283


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