Case studies

Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.

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Case study
Publication date: 28 June 2024

Sumanth Pramod Desai, Sushil Pare, Sanjay Hanji and M.M. Munshi

After completion of the case study, the students will be able to appraise the importance of different methods of location planning in warehouse selection, analyze the load…


Learning outcomes

After completion of the case study, the students will be able to appraise the importance of different methods of location planning in warehouse selection, analyze the load distance values for warehouse location and choose the optimum location based on the load distance analysis.

Case overview/synopsis

DB Builders, a prominent Indian construction company, faced a crucial decision in selecting an ideal storage warehouse for a project involving 100 flats spread across five locations. Mr Vijay Kumar, an experienced material handling expert, was entrusted with this task as part of transitioning the company’s material allocation system toward centralization. Using practical travel distances, Kumar meticulously scouted four potential warehouse locations. The selection process hinged on three primary factors: load, distance to apartment sites, safety and cost of the premises, each carrying specific weightage. The project planning department provided scores for safety and cost, helping evaluate the options. This unique challenge arises due to varying material requirements across the apartment locations, demanding an efficient warehouse planning. The selection of the optimal storage warehouse holds paramount importance in facilitating the smooth execution of these larger projects. Kumar’s expertise and strategic decision-making are pivotal in ensuring a seamless transition toward centralized material handling, which is essential for the company’s future success.

Complexity academic level

This teaching activity is aimed at introductory/basic courses in Bachelors and Masters of Business administration.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 9: Operations and Logistics.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 14 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 16 February 2024

Avil Terrance Saldanha, Rekha Aranha and Vijaya Chandran

After completion of this case study, students/managers will be able to analyze reasons for the labor unrest at Wistron Corporation’s Indian manufacturing plant; examine the…


Learning outcomes

After completion of this case study, students/managers will be able to analyze reasons for the labor unrest at Wistron Corporation’s Indian manufacturing plant; examine the implementation of labor regulations applicable to the employment of contract workers by Wistron Corporation; infer the problems associated with rapid expansion in the workforce; analyze the labor regulatory challenges faced by Wistron Corporation; and demonstrate problem-solving skills.

Case overview/synopsis

The focus of this case study was the crisis faced by Apple’s contract manufacturer  –  Wistron Corporation due to labor unrest, riots and violence in its production facility located near Bangalore in India. This case study discussed the CEO’s dilemma in resolving the crisis and regaining the confidence of stakeholders, namely, the contract employees, Apple Inc. and the State Government of Karnataka. To give the readers an overview of the crisis – this case discussed in detail the underlying reasons for the labor unrest such as a rapid increase in manpower, unilateral increase in working hours without extra pay, unjustified pay cuts, understaffed and underqualified human resources (HR) department, ill-equipped attendance and payroll system. It also gave an overview of mistakes in labor management that could be avoided by a manufacturing firm. The case also discussed the pressure faced by the Wistron CEO due to probation and a new business freeze by Apple Inc. This case study is suitable for understanding the complexities of labor laws and the legal complications that can arise when a corporation disregards local labor laws while operating in foreign countries.

Complexity academic level

The case is best suited for postgraduate and executive MBA students studying labor law, industrial psychology and HR management in commerce and business management streams. The authors suggest that the instructor should inform students to read the case study before attending the 90-min session. It can be executed in the classroom after discussing the theoretical concepts.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 6: Human Resource Management.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 14 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 11 December 2023

Jayakrishnan S

The objectives of the case study are to provide an overview of intellectual property rights and intellectual property rights in Indian context; understand the intellectual…


Learning outcomes

The objectives of the case study are to provide an overview of intellectual property rights and intellectual property rights in Indian context; understand the intellectual property rights implementation and challenges for implementing it in emerging economies; understand what would be the best approach that companies can adopt when the companies face backlash in such circumstances; and explore the scope for redefining the intellectual property rights in the changing global environment.

Case overview/synopsis

In December 2021, the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPV&FRA) in India revoked the plant variety protection (PVP) certificate granted to PepsiCo India Holding (PHI) for its Lays variety potato (FL-2027, known as FC-5). The FC-5 variety possessed low moisture content which made it suitable for making potato chips. The controversy started with Pepsi suing the small and marginal farmers of Gujarat for alleged patent infringement and cultivating the patented variety. Pepsi’s legal suit against nine marginal potato farmers in Gujarat initiated the dispute over how intellectual property (IP) rights are used to intimidate small, marginal farmers and its infringement of farmers’ rights. But, on the other side, the interesting aspect was how IP infringement could be a setback for the companies that made the capital investment to develop the variety. The case study discusses the backlash Pepsi faced due to this IP rights legal suit and the punitive aspects of IP rights (IPR) law. Moreover, in the context of the global pandemic, the case study helped discuss the need to redefine the intellectual property rights regime keeping in mind global welfare.

Complexity academic level

The case is intended for use in postgraduate-level management courses in agricultural marketing, agribusiness, international business and economics. This study can help management students understand how IPR is defined, the apparent complexities associated with it and the adverse effect of it on small and marginal farmers in emerging economies.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 5: International business.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 13 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 20 September 2023

Raja Sekhar Mamillapalli and Hanumantha Rao Pusarla

The learning outcomes of this study are to examine the financial performance of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) during past five years, to compare the financial…


Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of this study are to examine the financial performance of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) during past five years, to compare the financial performance with the initial projections, to identify the causes of deviations in the performance, to recommend the measures to improve financial performance and to apply the learning from the BMRCL project to other similar upcoming projects in India.

Case overview/synopsis

BMRCL has been struggling to perform as per projections made in the initial detailed project report. The situation has further worsened because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its post-impact on the overall economic level of activity. Ramana Rao, the consultant for infrastructure projects, was worried after reading a news article which deemed the project a white elephant. Various articles published in the newspaper also reported that BMRCL was incurring a loss of Rs 45 lakhs every day. The consultant worried about the sustainability of the project. He wanted new ideas and plans which could turn around these losses and convert them into profitable ones. He, however, does not have any immediate plans to execute and is therefore in a dilemma about how a project that was launched with so much fanfare could be made profitable. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, BMRCL’s financial situation, which although improving, had taken a significant hit. It looked like the corporation might need government assistance to cover its losses. The transport utility suffered a loss of Rs 170 crore, as a result of a decline in ridership as well as other revenue sources including parking fees and leasing revenues. This amounted to a daily loss of Rs 1 crore. The pressure on revenues was putting the officials in a tight spot about meeting the company’s debt obligations and market borrowings.

Complexity academic level

The case study aims to enable participants to understand financial performance and viability of large-scale projects such as metro rail in India.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 1: Accounting and Finance


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 13 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 9 August 2023

Ummad Mazhar

The case has the following learning objectives:1. understand the various types of comparisons that are possible between groups over time and across space;2. evaluate a policy…


Learning outcomes

The case has the following learning objectives:

1. understand the various types of comparisons that are possible between groups over time and across space;

2. evaluate a policy intervention using relevant data and different methods; and

3. understand the meaning of the phrase “controlling for other relevant factors” in regression and non-regression contexts.

Case overview/synopsis

The difference-in-differences (DID) approach is a useful tool for making meaningful comparisons. This case tries to provide a non-technical introduction to the approach using a basic comparison of crime rates among districts in Punjab (Pakistan's largest province). Being the most populous region of the country, Punjab faces many governance challenges, and street crime is one of them. (Exhibit 5 provides additional information about the geographical and administrative setting used in this case study.) In 2016, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif established the Dolphin (police) Force in different locations to improve urban patrolling and reduce street crime. There were debates about the effectiveness of the Dolphin Force (DF).

Those who are skeptical of DF point to various situations that were handled incorrectly by DF personnel, as well as other administrative and operational problems in the initiative. Optimists believe it is beneficial and want it to be expanded to other districts and regions. The threat of street crime claims many lives and, according to optimists, necessitates the formation of a special force. Whether the huge resources invested in the DF worth their lot or not can be known through sound statistical analysis that can identify the difference in the rate of crime because of the DF. In this instance, the case provides information to answer the following question:

Is there a significant difference in crime rates between areas where the DF is operating and districts where it has not yet been installed?

Complexity academic level

In quantitative/statistical analysis classes, the case can be used to teach the DID technique to MBA/MS Applied Statistics/Applied Data Analysis students. It can also be used in undergraduate Econometrics classes.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 7: Management Science.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 13 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 16 December 2022

Peeyush Pandey, Patel Jinil Ashvinbhai, Yushmita Singh, Tania Mittal, Ishank Goel, Bharat Kumar Mehta and Sayali Tapas

The case primarily focused on a real-life problem and shows that existing operations management tools can be used to solve a complex problem. Through this case, the participants…


Learning outcomes

The case primarily focused on a real-life problem and shows that existing operations management tools can be used to solve a complex problem. Through this case, the participants will learn the application of the factor loading method and aggregate planning.

Case overview/synopsis

This case revolves around the Modi Agro Pvt. Ltd, a mango procurement and distribution business established in 1994 by Mr Dhanush Modi in Mumbai, India. Mr Mahendra Modi, son of the company owner, observed that the different seasons of cultivation and varied customer demands lead to changing workforce requirements during the procurement process. In addition, the production quality, variety, available resources, procurement location and cost play a significant role in establishing a long-term relationship with the customers. This case highlights the problem faced by Mahendra in determining an appropriate location among all available options for mango procurement and the optimal workforce for each month to meet the varying customers’ demands.

Complexity academic level

The case can be used as teaching material for participants of the course Service Operations Management, Operations Management, Decision Analysis and Quantitative Techniques

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 9: Operations and logistics.

Case study
Publication date: 12 January 2022

Deepa Unnithan, Girish S. Pathy and Hareesh Ramanathan

The case will familiarize students to TEARS model and No TEARS approach for brand endorser selection. It will enable the students to understand the extent of influencer impact on…


Learning outcomes

The case will familiarize students to TEARS model and No TEARS approach for brand endorser selection. It will enable the students to understand the extent of influencer impact on the brand. It will make students to realistically assess the pros and cons of ambassador marketing using celebrities. It will also enable the student to devise brand strategies to mitigate the risk associated with ambassador-based marketing.

Case overview/synopsis

The case explains the strategic challenge the brand faces in ambassador marketing due to the uncontrollable personal crisis of the celebrity. Brand ambassador is an integral element of the brand persona and is appointed to boost the brand’s unique proposition and sales. The selection of the brand ambassador is a strategic decision with direct implication on the brand equity. A strong celebrity–brand congruence is ideal to establish credibility, but it can backfire if anything negative occurs on either side. This case evaluates the crisis faced by Fortune oil which has been positioned as “the heart healthy oil” when its celebrity ambassador suffers heart attack. In the backdrop of the case, the students can analyse brand strategies with respect to ambassador marketing, TEARS model with No TEARS approach for endorser selection and endorser-related credibility risk management.

Complexity academic level

MBA BBA PG/Graduation in Marketing/Advertising.

Supplementary materials

Teaching Notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 8: Marketing.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 7 December 2021

Frank Magwegwe

Undergraduate, postgraduate and corporate education.


Complexity/Academic level

Undergraduate, postgraduate and corporate education.

Case overview

This case describes Ayanda Mbatha’s response, attitudes and beliefs after retrenched from his position as a technician and draughtsman at Rheinmetall Denel Munition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mbatha responded with resilience to losing his job. Mbatha’s attitudes and beliefs enabled him to creatively search for a new job amidst escalating retrenchments. The case examines the factors important for resilience and demonstrates why resilience is an essential skill for individuals dealing with adversity. The case dilemma involves the choices Mbatha had to make during and after the retrenchment process initiated by his employer.

Expected learning outcome

We designed this case to facilitate the understanding of what is resilience and why resilience is an essential skill for individuals facing adversity. Specifically, the case aims to help students to: 1. Describe the construct of resilience in the context of individuals. 2. Identify factors that promote resilience. 3. Explain what resilient individuals do in the face of adversity. 4. Evaluate the importance of resilience during adversity. 5. Evaluate the role of prior adversity in the development of resilience.

Supplementary materials

Teaching Notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 6: Human Resource Management.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 11 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area


Study level/applicability

Undergraduate and MBA.

Case overview

The COVID 19 pandemic-related restrictions devastated South Africa’s economy in 2020 and although the restrictions were generally less damaging than in 2020, the government had to budget for vaccinations and rebuild the economy. Public service unions had just announced that they were demanding an increase of 4% above inflation for their members and that they were preparing for a strike. They were bitter about the fact that the South African Government had withdrawn from the last year of a three-year wage agreement in February 2020 and their members had not received an increase for the two years. These demands and Finance Minister Mboweni’s response to them had to consider the structural and cyclical impact on the fiscus and economy.

Expected learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are as follows: understand the general objectives of fiscal policy and stakeholders’ interests; understand the tradeoffs in fiscal policy and the implications of taking a position; and make recommendations based on reasoned judgements about those recommendations.

Complexity academic level

Undergraduate and MBA level courses on Macro Economics.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 10: Public Sector Management.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 11 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 26 November 2021

Michael Ward

This case focuses on the business rescue of South African Airlines. SAA, four times rated the best airline in Africa (SAA, 2019), was already insolvent when in early 2020 COVID-19…


Case overview

This case focuses on the business rescue of South African Airlines. SAA, four times rated the best airline in Africa (SAA, 2019), was already insolvent when in early 2020 COVID-19 decimated the world. The state-owned airline, which had last made profits in 2011, continued to lose millions of passengers to competitors over the next decade and, despite bailouts of more than R40bn, entered Business Rescue in December 2019, still owing creditors more than R26bn. To the surprise of many, Public Enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan was determined to rescue the airline. In May 2021, the business rescue practitioners handed SAA back to the interim board and Thomas Kgokolo (CA) (MBA) was appointed interim CEO. In June 2021, Gordhan announced a “born again” SAA, “almost ready to take off” and promised no more bailouts. But, with several billion rand outstanding to complete the rescue plan, a grounded fleet, unresolved labour problems, an critical but unnamed “strategic-equity partner” and a largely unvaccinated country entering its third COVID wave – what were the chances?

Expected learning outcomes

Within the framework of a country desperately in need of jobs and short of capital, the case raises questions about ethics, accountability, responsibility, management, economics and strategy. Should retrenched workers in airlines feel the consequences of their unfortunate career choices? Ought government’s bail-out already failed industries? Should governments run airlines? What sources of funds are available? Have all the necessary requirements for “restructuring” to succeed been satisfied?

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 11: Strategy.

Study level/applicability

MBA, Exec-ed.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 11 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


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