Books and journals

Browse over 3,300 eBook titles and a portfolio of over 300 journals authored by renowned academics and industry leaders from over 150 countries. Our books and journals collection boasts titles from a vast range of subject areas from management and finance to criminology and social media.

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Accounting & finance
1 - Financial reporting
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Book serial
Cover of Advances in Taxation
Editor: John Hasseldine
Book serial
Cover of Advances in Taxation
Editor: John Hasseldine
Book serial
Cover of Advances in Taxation
Editor: John Hasseldine
Book serial
Cover of Development of International Entrepreneurship Based on Corporate Accounting and Reporting According to IFRS
Editors: Mansur P. Eshov, Gulnora K. Abdurakhmanova, Aktam U. Burkhanov, Nodira B. Abdusalomova, Shakhlo T. Ergasheva
Book serial
Cover of Development of International Entrepreneurship Based on Corporate Accounting and Reporting According to IFRS
Editors: Mansur P. Eshov, Gulnora K. Abdurakhmanova, Aktam U. Burkhanov, Nodira B. Abdusalomova, Shakhlo T. Ergasheva
Book serial
Cover of Emerging Market Firms in the Global Economy
Editors: Chinmay Pattnaik, Vikas Kumar
Cover of Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
Editors: Prof. Aziz Jaafar, Prof Khaled Hussainey
Cover of Materiality in Financial Reporting
Author: Francesco Bellandi
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