Books and journals

Browse over 3,300 eBook titles and a portfolio of over 300 journals authored by renowned academics and industry leaders from over 150 countries. Our books and journals collection boasts titles from a vast range of subject areas from management and finance to criminology and social media.

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1 - Urban & rural sociology
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Book serial
Cover of Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms
Editors: Dionisio Ortiz-Miranda, Ana Moragues-Faus, Eladio Arnalte-Alegre
Book serial
Cover of Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape
Editors: Norman K. Denzin, Lonnie Athens, Ted Faust
Book series
Cover of Climate Emergency
Author: Mark Harvey
Cover of Co-creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology
Authors: Shenja van der Graaf, Le Anh Nguyen Long, Carina Veeckman
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