
Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence

ISBN: 978-1-78756-812-9, eISBN: 978-1-78756-811-2

Publication date: 29 April 2020


Schühly, A., Becker, F. and Klein, F. (2020), "Prelims", Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-x.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence

Title Page

Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence


Andreas Schühly

Frank Becker

Florian Klein

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

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First edition 2020

Copyright © 2020 by Emerald Publishing Limited

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-78756-812-9 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-78756-811-2 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-78756-813-6 (Epub)

Dedication Page

To all our colleagues who contributed to this book. You give us the means to take the long view.

– Kudos to Maximiliane Brecht, Nadine Manger, and Niclas Vieten for their critical reviews and input along our journey.

And to our family and friends. You give us the reasons to take the long view.

Special thanks to Alina, Christine, and Paloma for their continuous support and patience.

– Andreas, Frank, and Florian


List of Tables and Figures x
An Initial Reflection 1
1. Three Cheers to Uncertainty 3
The Trap of Static Strategy 5
Towards Dynamic Strategic Thinking 7
Dimensions of Dynamic Strategy 12
Clarity: Take the Long View 13
Validity: Embrace Uncertainty and Manage Complexity 17
Relevance: Execute with Purpose 19
2. The Validity of Traditional Scenario Planning 23
What Are Scenarios? 23
How Scenarios Differ from Predicting or Forecasting the Future 31
A Short History of Scenario Planning 37
Scenario Planning Application 46
Guidelines for Designing Scenarios 52
The Long View 53
Outside-in Thinking 54
Plausibility 55
Holistic View 56
Embrace Uncertainty 56
Zoom-out, Zoom-in 57
Machine Objectivity Meets Human Intuition 57
Number of Scenarios 58
Scenario Team 59
3. The Traditional Scenario Planning Process 67
Focal Question 68
Driving Forces 72
Critical Uncertainties 76
Scenario Framework 83
Scenario Narratives 84
Implications and Options 93
Monitoring Scenarios with Cutting-edge Technology 97
4. How the Scenario Process Is Changing 103
Crowdsourcing Ideas and AI-Generated Insights 103
Democratising Scenario Processes 105
Speeding Up the Scenario Process 106
New Ways of Telling Stories 106
5. Superpower for Strategists 111
The Secret of Strategic Success – and Failure 114
The Original Strength of Strategists 116
Our True Enemies 124
Enemy No. 1: Complexity 124
Enemy No. 2: Adaptiveness 133
Attempts to Protect Against the Enemies 139
Our Ultimate Superpower Against our Strongest Enemies 143
From Fiction to Science to Strategy 145
6. Real-time Scenario Modelling 153
How AI Can Augment the Research Stage 154
Focal Question 154
Driving Forces 154
How AI Can Augment the Modelling Stage 156
Critical Uncertainties 156
Scenario Framework 158
Scenario Narratives 158
How AI Can augment the Monitoring Stage 159
Scenario Monitoring 159
Scenario Health 161
7. Closing Perspectives 165
Perspective 1: Storytelling in a Data-driven World 166
Uncertainty Is a Given, But How Do We Master It? 167
Strategy Is About Hard Facts – Really? 168
Strategy Beyond Ethics 170
Maintain the Doubt 171
Narratives Remain Valid in Strategy 171
Perspective 2: The Future of Collective Sense-making 172
A Forced Upgrade to Collective Thinking 173
The Stakes Could Not Be Higher 175
Perspective 3: A Decision-Making Utopia 176
A Story of Storytelling 176
There Are No Simple Answers to Interesting Challenges 178
Proposal for a New Decision-Making Culture 182
References 185
Index 195

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1. Comparison Forecasts, Predictions, and Scenarios. 36
Fig. 1. Timeline of Scenario Planning. 37
Fig. 2. Usage of Management Tools. 46
Fig. 3. Environmental Onion. 54
Fig. 4. The Scenario Process. 68
Fig. 5. Impact-Uncertainty Grid. 81
Fig. 6. Time, Non-strategic, and Strategic Goals. 118
Fig. 7. The Complexity Wall. 126
Fig. 8. The Adaptiveness Wall. 133
Fig. 9. Dynamic Scenario Modelling. 143
Fig. 10. Scenario Planning in Combination with AI. 144